Now that you have all of your deadlines organized and diarized it is time to turn the focus on the deadlines others have with you. The reports or data that other people have to provide to you in order for you to be able to do your work.

Following last weeks post using the electronic diary you can at least remind others of their deadlines, lets be honest, short of doing peoples work for them we can never ensure that the work is completed. But following these steps you can at least ensure that they are reminded of their deadlines.

Step 1 –  Create an appointment, choose ALL DAY and invite the person(s) so that the Deadline will appear in their Electronic calendar. Chose RECURRING if it is a regular deadline ad you can insert files and hyperlinks should you wish.

Step 2  – Create an appointment a few days prior to the deadline to nominate time to complete the task/report and invite the person(s) so that this appointment will appear in the electronic calendars.

Step 3 –  To take this one step further you can send a email to the person(s) reminding them of the imminent deadline but instead of having to remember to sned it create them now and chose the DELAYED DELIVERY in the OPTIONS tab. This works particularly well should you be on leave or not be around to remind people of this particular deadline.

NEXT Week – Going on leave and not dropping the ball


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